Note: 1) This payment method is suitable for those who do not have a credit card / debit card or internet banking. 2) This payment method will take about 1 - 2 business days for Sony to confirm the payment status, before preparing the order.

Payment procedure

  • 1) Sony will send order reservation email to customer’s subscribed email with bank account information and payment procedure.
  • 2) Customer will then make payment via bank counters or ATMs and keep proof of transfer.
  • 3) Customer will then have to send an email to to confirm payment within period specified in the email with: - Attached proof of payment - Specify the order number (such as order number # 1111)
  • 4) Sony will then verify transfer status within about 2 working days.
  • 5) After verification, Sony will confirm payment status to customer via email and begin delivery process.

If you have any questions, contact us here