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ILCE-1 with superb resolution and speed (ILCE-1)

199,990 THB

1. Prices indicated refer to Suggested Retail Price which includes VAT and may change from time to time without prior notice.

Point: 10000


2. Points indicated is based on purchase amount and may change from time to time without prior notice.


[Pre-Order 3-4 Weeks] ILCE-6400 E-mount camera with APS-C Sensor (Body)

29,990 THB

1. Prices indicated refer to Suggested Retail Price which includes VAT and may change from time to time without prior notice.

Point: 1500


2. Points indicated is based on purchase amount and may change from time to time without prior notice.

Discount 3%

กล้อง APS-C E-mount ระดับพรีเมียม a6700 (ILCE-6700)

50,990 THB

1. Prices indicated refer to Suggested Retail Price which includes VAT and may change from time to time without prior notice.

52,990 THB

Point: 2550


2. Points indicated is based on purchase amount and may change from time to time without prior notice.

[{"name":"Title","position":1,"values":["Default Title"]}]
Discount 3%

กล้อง APS-C E-mount ระดับพรีเมียม a6700 พร้อมเลนส์คิท (ILCE-6700L)

54,990 THB

1. Prices indicated refer to Suggested Retail Price which includes VAT and may change from time to time without prior notice.

56,990 THB

Point: 2750


2. Points indicated is based on purchase amount and may change from time to time without prior notice.

[{"name":"Title","position":1,"values":["Default Title"]}]
Discount 10%

a7C II กล้องฟูลเฟรมขนาดกะทัดรัด Compact Full-Frame Camera (ILCE-7CM2)

67,990 THB

1. Prices indicated refer to Suggested Retail Price which includes VAT and may change from time to time without prior notice.

75,990 THB

Point: 3300


2. Points indicated is based on purchase amount and may change from time to time without prior notice.

Discount 10%

a7C II กล้องฟูลเฟรมขนาดกะทัดรัด Compact Full-Frame Camera with Lens Kit (ILCE-7CM2L)

77,990 THB

1. Prices indicated refer to Suggested Retail Price which includes VAT and may change from time to time without prior notice.

86,990 THB

Point: 3850


2. Points indicated is based on purchase amount and may change from time to time without prior notice.

Discount 9%

a7CR 61.0 MP Compact Full-Frame (ILCE-7CR)

93,990 THB

1. Prices indicated refer to Suggested Retail Price which includes VAT and may change from time to time without prior notice.

103,990 THB

Point: 4900


2. Points indicated is based on purchase amount and may change from time to time without prior notice.

Discount 32%

กล้องฟูลเฟรมขนาดกะทัดรัด Alpha 7C (ILCE-7C)

41,990 THB

1. Prices indicated refer to Suggested Retail Price which includes VAT and may change from time to time without prior notice.

61,990 THB

Point: 2949


2. Points indicated is based on purchase amount and may change from time to time without prior notice.

Discount 35%

กล้องฟูลเฟรมขนาดกะทัดรัด Alpha 7C พร้อมเลนส์คิท (ILCE-7CL)

46,990 THB

1. Prices indicated refer to Suggested Retail Price which includes VAT and may change from time to time without prior notice.

72,990 THB

Point: 2350


2. Points indicated is based on purchase amount and may change from time to time without prior notice.


กล้องคอมแพค RX100 VII กับ AF ที่เหนือกว่า (DSC-RX100M7 ตัวกล้อง)

42,990 THB

1. Prices indicated refer to Suggested Retail Price which includes VAT and may change from time to time without prior notice.

Point: 2150


2. Points indicated is based on purchase amount and may change from time to time without prior notice.

[{"name":"Title","position":1,"values":["Default Title"]}]
Discount 4%

กล้องคอมแพค RX100 VII กับ AF ที่เหนือกว่า (ตัวกล้อง + ชุดกริ๊ปถ่ายภาพ)

43,990 THB

1. Prices indicated refer to Suggested Retail Price which includes VAT and may change from time to time without prior notice.

45,990 THB

Point: 2200


2. Points indicated is based on purchase amount and may change from time to time without prior notice.

[{"name":"Title","position":1,"values":["Default Title"]}]
Discount 8%

Digital Camera ZV-1

ZV-1 ZV-1B/PK5
20,990 THB

1. Prices indicated refer to Suggested Retail Price which includes VAT and may change from time to time without prior notice.

22,990 THB

Point: 1050


2. Points indicated is based on purchase amount and may change from time to time without prior notice.

[{"name":"Title","position":1,"values":["Default Title"]}]
Discount 13%

กล้อง Vlog Camera Sony ZV-1 II (ZV-1M2)

25,990 THB

1. Prices indicated refer to Suggested Retail Price which includes VAT and may change from time to time without prior notice.

29,990 THB

Point: 1299


2. Points indicated is based on purchase amount and may change from time to time without prior notice.

[{"name":"Title","position":1,"values":["Default Title"]}]
Discount 5%

กล้อง Vlog ZV-1F

16,990 THB

1. Prices indicated refer to Suggested Retail Price which includes VAT and may change from time to time without prior notice.

17,990 THB

Point: 850


2. Points indicated is based on purchase amount and may change from time to time without prior notice.

Discount 6%

Alpha 7 III พร้อมเซนเซอร์ภาพฟูลเฟรม 35 มม. (ILCE-7M3)

59,990 THB

1. Prices indicated refer to Suggested Retail Price which includes VAT and may change from time to time without prior notice.

63,990 THB

Point: 3000


2. Points indicated is based on purchase amount and may change from time to time without prior notice.

[{"name":"Title","position":1,"values":["Default Title"]}]
Discount 5%

Alpha 7 III พร้อมเซนเซอร์ภาพฟูลเฟรม 35 มม. และเลนส์คิท (ILCE-7M3K)

65,990 THB

1. Prices indicated refer to Suggested Retail Price which includes VAT and may change from time to time without prior notice.

69,990 THB

Point: 3300


2. Points indicated is based on purchase amount and may change from time to time without prior notice.

[{"name":"Title","position":1,"values":["Default Title"]}]
Discount 6%

กล้องไฮบริดฟูลเฟรม Alpha 7 IV (ILCE-7M4 Body)

77,990 THB

1. Prices indicated refer to Suggested Retail Price which includes VAT and may change from time to time without prior notice.

82,990 THB

Point: 3800


2. Points indicated is based on purchase amount and may change from time to time without prior notice.

[{"name":"Title","position":1,"values":["Default Title"]}]
Discount 5%

กล้องไฮบริดฟูลเฟรม Alpha 7 IV (ตัวกล้องพร้อมเลนส์คิท) : ILCE-7M4K

84,990 THB

1. Prices indicated refer to Suggested Retail Price which includes VAT and may change from time to time without prior notice.

89,990 THB

Point: 4150


2. Points indicated is based on purchase amount and may change from time to time without prior notice.

[{"name":"Title","position":1,"values":["Default Title"]}]
Discount 6%

a7R V l Full-Frame high-resolution camera (ILCE-7RM5)

149,990 THB

1. Prices indicated refer to Suggested Retail Price which includes VAT and may change from time to time without prior notice.

159,990 THB

Point: 7500


2. Points indicated is based on purchase amount and may change from time to time without prior notice.

[{"name":"Title","position":1,"values":["Default Title"]}]
Discount 8%

Alpha 7S III ที่มีความสามารถด้านภาพยนตร์/ภาพนิ่งระดับมืออาชีพ (ILCE-7SM3)

111,990 THB

1. Prices indicated refer to Suggested Retail Price which includes VAT and may change from time to time without prior notice.

121,990 THB

Point: 5599


2. Points indicated is based on purchase amount and may change from time to time without prior notice.

[{"name":"Title","position":1,"values":["Default Title"]}]

α9 III full-frame camera with global shutter (ILCE-9M3)

224,990 THB

1. Prices indicated refer to Suggested Retail Price which includes VAT and may change from time to time without prior notice.

Point: 11250


2. Points indicated is based on purchase amount and may change from time to time without prior notice.

[{"name":"Title","position":1,"values":["Default Title"]}]
Discount 9%

ZV-E10 กล้อง Vlog เลนส์แบบเปลี่ยนได้ (ตัวกล้องพร้อมเลนส์คิท)

23,490 THB

1. Prices indicated refer to Suggested Retail Price which includes VAT and may change from time to time without prior notice.

25,990 THB

Point: 1300


2. Points indicated is based on purchase amount and may change from time to time without prior notice.

Discount 7%

กล้อง Vlog ZV-E10 II

35,990 THB

1. Prices indicated refer to Suggested Retail Price which includes VAT and may change from time to time without prior notice.

38,990 THB

Point: 1950


2. Points indicated is based on purchase amount and may change from time to time without prior notice.

[{"name":"MODEL","position":1,"values":["Camera Only","With Lens SEL35F18","With Kit Lens","ZV-E10M2K (Black) free Grip","ZV-E10M2K (White) free Grip"]},{"name":"COLOR","position":2,"values":["Black","White"]}]
Discount 3%

กล้อง Vlog แบบฟูลเฟรม รุ่น ZV-E1B (Body)

74,990 THB

1. Prices indicated refer to Suggested Retail Price which includes VAT and may change from time to time without prior notice.

77,990 THB

Point: 3750


2. Points indicated is based on purchase amount and may change from time to time without prior notice.

[{"name":"Title","position":1,"values":["Default Title"]}]

FE 100-400mm G Master super-telephoto zoom lens

89,990 THB

1. Prices indicated refer to Suggested Retail Price which includes VAT and may change from time to time without prior notice.

Point: 4150


2. Points indicated is based on purchase amount and may change from time to time without prior notice.


E 11 mm. F1.8 (SEL11F18)

18,990 THB

1. Prices indicated refer to Suggested Retail Price which includes VAT and may change from time to time without prior notice.

Point: 950


2. Points indicated is based on purchase amount and may change from time to time without prior notice.

[{"name":"Title","position":1,"values":["Default Title"]}]

FE 12-24mm F2.8 GM

94,990 THB

1. Prices indicated refer to Suggested Retail Price which includes VAT and may change from time to time without prior notice.

Point: 4750


2. Points indicated is based on purchase amount and may change from time to time without prior notice.


FE 135mm F1.8 GM (SEL135F18GM)

63,990 THB

1. Prices indicated refer to Suggested Retail Price which includes VAT and may change from time to time without prior notice.

Point: 3200


2. Points indicated is based on purchase amount and may change from time to time without prior notice.


FE 14mm F1.8 GM (SEL14F18GM)

49,990 THB

1. Prices indicated refer to Suggested Retail Price which includes VAT and may change from time to time without prior notice.

Point: 2500


2. Points indicated is based on purchase amount and may change from time to time without prior notice.


1.4x Teleconverter Lens

21,990 THB

1. Prices indicated refer to Suggested Retail Price which includes VAT and may change from time to time without prior notice.

Point: 1100


2. Points indicated is based on purchase amount and may change from time to time without prior notice.


E 15 mm F1.4 G (SEL15F14G)

26,990 THB

1. Prices indicated refer to Suggested Retail Price which includes VAT and may change from time to time without prior notice.

Point: 1350


2. Points indicated is based on purchase amount and may change from time to time without prior notice.

[{"name":"Title","position":1,"values":["Default Title"]}]
Discount 3%

FE 16-35 mm. F2.8 GM II (SEL1635GM2)

80,990 THB

1. Prices indicated refer to Suggested Retail Price which includes VAT and may change from time to time without prior notice.

83,990 THB

Point: 4050


2. Points indicated is based on purchase amount and may change from time to time without prior notice.

[{"name":"Title","position":1,"values":["Default Title"]}]

[Pre-order 3-4 Weeks] E 18-135mm F3.5-5.6 OSS

22,990 THB

1. Prices indicated refer to Suggested Retail Price which includes VAT and may change from time to time without prior notice.

Point: 1150


2. Points indicated is based on purchase amount and may change from time to time without prior notice.


FE 200-600 mm F5.6-6.3 G OSS (SEL200600G)

69,990 THB

1. Prices indicated refer to Suggested Retail Price which includes VAT and may change from time to time without prior notice.

Point: 3500


2. Points indicated is based on purchase amount and may change from time to time without prior notice.

Discount 6%

FE 20-70 mm F4 G (SEL2070G) G Lens เลนส์มาตรฐาน 20-70 มม.

39,990 THB

1. Prices indicated refer to Suggested Retail Price which includes VAT and may change from time to time without prior notice.

42,990 THB

Point: 1800


2. Points indicated is based on purchase amount and may change from time to time without prior notice.

[{"name":"Title","position":1,"values":["Default Title"]}]
Discount 9%

FE 20 mm F1.8 G (SEL20F18G)

28,990 THB

1. Prices indicated refer to Suggested Retail Price which includes VAT and may change from time to time without prior notice.

31,990 THB

Point: 1200


2. Points indicated is based on purchase amount and may change from time to time without prior notice.


[Pre-Order] 2x Teleconverter Lens

21,990 THB

1. Prices indicated refer to Suggested Retail Price which includes VAT and may change from time to time without prior notice.

Point: 1100


2. Points indicated is based on purchase amount and may change from time to time without prior notice.


FE 24-105 mm F4 G OSS Lens (SEL24105G)

46,990 THB

1. Prices indicated refer to Suggested Retail Price which includes VAT and may change from time to time without prior notice.

Point: 2350


2. Points indicated is based on purchase amount and may change from time to time without prior notice.


FE 24-50 mm F2.8 G (SEL2450G) G Lens เลนส์ซูมมาตรฐาน 24-50 มม.

42,990 THB

1. Prices indicated refer to Suggested Retail Price which includes VAT and may change from time to time without prior notice.

Point: 2000


2. Points indicated is based on purchase amount and may change from time to time without prior notice.

[{"name":"Title","position":1,"values":["Default Title"]}]

FE 24-70 mm. F2.8 GM II เลนส์ซูมมาตรฐานแห่งอนาคต G Master (SEL2470GM2)

72,990 THB

1. Prices indicated refer to Suggested Retail Price which includes VAT and may change from time to time without prior notice.

Point: 3350


2. Points indicated is based on purchase amount and may change from time to time without prior notice.

[{"name":"Title","position":1,"values":["Default Title"]}]

FE 24mm F1.4 GM (SEL24F14GM)

49,990 THB

1. Prices indicated refer to Suggested Retail Price which includes VAT and may change from time to time without prior notice.

Point: 2400


2. Points indicated is based on purchase amount and may change from time to time without prior notice.


Sonnar T* E 24mm F1.8 ZA

36,990 THB

1. Prices indicated refer to Suggested Retail Price which includes VAT and may change from time to time without prior notice.

Point: 1850


2. Points indicated is based on purchase amount and may change from time to time without prior notice.

Discount 5%

FE 24 mm F2.8 G (SEL24F28G)

18,990 THB

1. Prices indicated refer to Suggested Retail Price which includes VAT and may change from time to time without prior notice.

19,990 THB

Point: 950


2. Points indicated is based on purchase amount and may change from time to time without prior notice.


E 30mm F3.5 Macro

9,990 THB

1. Prices indicated refer to Suggested Retail Price which includes VAT and may change from time to time without prior notice.

Point: 500


2. Points indicated is based on purchase amount and may change from time to time without prior notice.

Discount 6%

FE 35mm F1.4 GM (SEL35f14GM)

46,990 THB

1. Prices indicated refer to Suggested Retail Price which includes VAT and may change from time to time without prior notice.

49,990 THB

Point: 2200


2. Points indicated is based on purchase amount and may change from time to time without prior notice.


E 35 mm. F1.8 OSS (SEL35f18)

14,990 THB

1. Prices indicated refer to Suggested Retail Price which includes VAT and may change from time to time without prior notice.

Point: 750


2. Points indicated is based on purchase amount and may change from time to time without prior notice.

Discount 13%

FE 35mm F1.8 (SEL35F18f) : Full Frame

19,990 THB

1. Prices indicated refer to Suggested Retail Price which includes VAT and may change from time to time without prior notice.

22,990 THB

Point: 800


2. Points indicated is based on purchase amount and may change from time to time without prior notice.

Discount 5%

FE 40 mm F2.5 G (SEL40F25G)

18,990 THB

1. Prices indicated refer to Suggested Retail Price which includes VAT and may change from time to time without prior notice.

19,990 THB

Point: 950


2. Points indicated is based on purchase amount and may change from time to time without prior notice.

Discount 4%

FE 50mm F1.2 GM (SEL50F12GM)

65,990 THB

1. Prices indicated refer to Suggested Retail Price which includes VAT and may change from time to time without prior notice.

68,990 THB

Point: 3150


2. Points indicated is based on purchase amount and may change from time to time without prior notice.

Discount 5%

FE 50 mm. F1.4 GM ไพรม์เลนส์ 50 มม. F1.4 G Master™ (SEL50F14GM)

49,990 THB

1. Prices indicated refer to Suggested Retail Price which includes VAT and may change from time to time without prior notice.

52,990 THB

Point: 2400


2. Points indicated is based on purchase amount and may change from time to time without prior notice.

[{"name":"Title","position":1,"values":["Default Title"]}]